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Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw


Black and White. Niepoprawny komiks i animacja

25.07 - 18.09.2011
PLACE: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw


Press release → PDFDOC

rys. Marek Raczkowski (1.85MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Aya Ben Ron (6.24MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Phil Mulloy, "The Sound of Music", 1992, kadr z filmu (6.96MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Phil Mulloy, "The Ten Commandments", 1994-1996, kadr z filmu (2.02MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Robert Crumb "When the Niggers Take Over America!", 1993 (4.27MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Phil Mulloy, "The Sound of Music", 1992, kadr z filmu (7.48MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi, 2011, fot. Bartosz Stawiarski (10.2MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Extrastruggle "New Situation" (0.51MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Philippe Grammaticopoulos, "Signature", 2007, kadr z filmu (0.1MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi, 2011, fot. Bartosz Stawiarski (11.67MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Robert Crumb, "Hey, I'm Dying Up Here!", 1990 (0.53MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
rys. Marek Raczkowski (4.14MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Phil Mulloy, "The Ten Commandments", 1994-1996, kadr z filmu (2.03MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi, 2011, fot. Bartosz Stawiarski (12.61MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi "Bravo You Got Your 0.005 Seconds of Fame", 2006 (0.32MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Blu, "MUTO", 2008, kadr z filmu (0.82MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Extrastruggle "Ice Crime" (0.64MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Blu, "MUTO", 2008, kadr z filmu (0.88MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi przy pracy nad wystawą, 2011, fot. Bartosz Stawiarski (7.69MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
rys. Krzysztof "Prosiacek" Owendyk (4.77MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Philippe Grammaticopoulos, "Signature", 2007, kadr z filmu (0.09MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
rys. Krzysztof "Prosiacek" Owendyk (2.2MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Dan Perjovschi "Nice Show", 1999 (0.27MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
© Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie