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Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw


Ion Grigorescu "W ciele ofiary 1969-2008"

6.02 - 15.03.2009
PLACE: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Ion Grigorescu, Balta Alba, 1979 (kadr z filmu) (0.35MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Spotkania wyborcze, 1974 (1.08MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Balta Alba 1979 (kadr z filmu) (0.39MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, The Kitchen or Art in a Single Room, 1976 (kadr z filmu) (3.71MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Party 2, 1978 (2.16MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Party 1, 1978 (2.64MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Spotkania wyborcze, 1974 (1.39MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Spotkania wyborcze, 1974 (1.26MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Lustra, 1976 (2.3MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Sen/Sleep, 2008 (0.46MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Lustra, 1976 (2.63MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
Ion Grigorescu, Kąpiel w świetle, 1978 (16.1MB, JPG) (DOWNLOAD)
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